[Mage & Warlock] -- [Priest & Paladin] -- [Shaman & Bard] -- [Monk & Gladiator]
Frost Blast | 1 | Mage [1] | 2 | Hits for minor damage. |
Slow | 2 | Mage [1] | 1 | Decreases target's armor class, accuracy, and chance of following you. |
Mage Shield | 3 | Mage [2] | 6 | Increases your armor class by 8 for four minutes. |
Incinerate | 5 | Mage [1] | 4 | Hits for moderate damage. |
Drain Life | 7 | Mage [1] | 6 | Drains a moderate amount of hit points from the target and gives them to you. |
Lightning Bolt | 9 | Mage [1] | 1 | Hits for moderate damage, but can miss just like a standard attack. |
Weakness | 11 | Mage [2] | 3 | Reduces enemy's damage and accuracy. |
Cardiac Arrest | 12 | Mage [1] | 5 | Hits for heavy damage; high stun chance. |
Levitation | 13 | Mage [1] | 4 | Increases dexterity and movement rate, and also negates paralysis-type effects. Affects everyone in your party. |
Confusion | 14 | Mage [3] | 4 | Makes all monsters in the room Confused, and decreases their accuracy. |
Fireball | 16 | Mage [1] | 7 | Very heavy damage to the room. |
Invisibility | 18 | Mage [3] | 8 | Makes you invisible and gives +18 AC for four minutes. Cannot be used at the same time as mage shield, though. |
Charm | 21 | Mage [3] | 12 | Enslaves a monster for a short period of time. Does not affect some bosses. |
Astral Projection | 24 | Mage/Cler [3] | 10 | Reduces your maximum SP, but causes you to regen all of your SPs every 10 rounds. Also allows you to see invisible monsters. |
Cure Wounds | 1 | Cler [1] | 2 | Restores a small number of hit points. |
Curse | 2 | Cler [1] | 1 | Decreases target's armor class and accuracy. If cast on a player, he or she will be unable to Recall for a short period of time. |
Bless | 3 | Cler [2] | 6 | Greatly increases accuracy for four minutes. |
Holy Force | 5 | Cler [1] | 5 | Hits for moderate damage. |
Greater Healing | 7 | Cler [1] | 4 | Restores a moderate number of hit points. |
Flame Strike | 9 | Cler [1] | 3 | Hits for moderate damage. Unlike most damage spells, it is cast in-between a round (doesn't count as your round action). |
Blind | 11 | Cler [2] | 3 | Reduces the enemy's accuracy and blinds them. |
Wrath of God | 12 | Cler [1] | 8 | Inflicts heavy damage on the room. |
Cleanse | 13 | Cler [1] | 5 | Restores a moderate number of hit points and negates weakness- and disease-type effects. Affects everyone in your party. |
Contagion | 14 | Cler [3] | 4 | Inflicts light damage on the room, and continues to inflict light damage every subsequent round. |
Divine Healing | 16 | Cler [1] | 6 | Restores a great number of hit points. Usable unlimited times per round, as long as you have enough spell points. |
Holy Armor | 18 | Cler [3] | 8 | Increases armor class, accuracy, and damage per hit for four minutes. Cannot be used at the same time as Bless, though. |
Animate Dead | 21 | Cler [3] | 12 | Resurrects dead creatures in the room and enslaves them for a short period of time. Does not affect some bosses. |
Astral Projection | 24 | Mage/Cler [3] | 10 | Reduces your maximum SP, but causes you to regen all of your SPs every 10 rounds. Also allows you to see invisible monsters. |
Soulstrike | 1 | Mys [1] | 2 | Drains a small amount of hit points from the target and gives them to you. |
Berserk | 3 | Mys [1] | 7 | Increases your weapon damage by two on every hit for the next three minutes. |
Hold Person | 5 | Mys [2] | 5 | Renders the target unable to move, and considerably reduces their armor class and magic resistance. |
Resist Magic | 7 | Mys [1] | 4 | Greatly increases magic resistance. |
Moonbeam | 9 | Mys [2] | 9 | Hits for heavy damage. Any creature hit by this spell will be blinded for three rounds, reducing their accuracy. |
Mystical Fury | 12 | Mys [1] | 14 | Hits for random damage. Also confuses the enemy for 3 rounds. Cast in-between the round (doesn't count as your round action). |
Hands of Quickness | 14 | Mys [1] | 8 | Gives all members of your party an extra swing (and increased accuracy) on the next round of combat. |
Shadowform | 16 | Mys [2] | 20 | Increases your damage, armor class, and max hitpoints for seven minutes. Cannot be used at the same time as Berserk, though. |
Teleport | 18 | Mys [1] | 1 | Teleports you to the Hall of Mirrors. Can be used in the middle of combat; however, this spell has a high failure rate. |
Spirit Drain | 21 | Mys [2] | 22 | Drains a very high number of hitpoints from all monsters in the room, and gives them to the caster. |
Defensive Stance | 1 | MA [1] | Stance: Increases armor class by 3. |
Natural Stance | 1 | MA [1] | Cancels the user's current stance. |
Forceful Stance | 3 | MA [1] | Stance: Increases user's strength by 3. |
Attack Stance | 5 | MA [2] | Stance: Increases user's weapon damage by 2. |
Meditation | 7 | MA [1] | Increases user's magic resistance by 30, but slightly decreases max hitpoints. |
End Meditation | 7 | MA [1] | Cancels meditation. |
Jumpkick | 9 | MA [1] | Hits the entire room for a decent amount of damage. |
Evasion | 10 | MA [3] | Increases your armor class by 10. Free to use -- does not count as a stance. |
Frenzied Stance | 12 | MA [1] | Stance: Increases user's crit chance by 8. |
Flying Dragon Strike | 14 | MA [2] | Inficts heavy damage, but is rather inaccurate. |
Knife-Hand Strike | 16 | MA [2] | Hits for moderate-heavy damage, and causes the enemy to inflict less damage than usual on their next attack. |
Regenerative Stance | 18 | MA [1] | Stance: Increases user's health by 2 and also increases hitpoint regen/resting rate. |
Unmerciful Beating | 21 | MA [3] | Inflicts heavy damage. Creatures hit by this attack cannot leave the room for one round. |
Rising Heel Kick | 24 | MA [3] | Inflicts moderate-heavy damage, with a very high stun chance. Very accurate. |