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TradeWars 2002

Trade Wars 2002 can be download from http://www.eisonline.com/TradeWars/Download.html. The DPMI version is more suitable for most boards, but it may have stability issues on some systems.

Extract the Trade Wars zip file to a new directory (ie, c:\tw2002) and run install.bat. After install.bat is finished, run tedit.exe, where you must now manually configure settings for each node of your BBS. 

In tedit.exe, select option O, and first enter settings for node 1. Set the Path to Drop File to the correct directory (ie, c:\sbbs\node1\), set the Drop File Type to DOOR.SYS, and set the I/O type to FOSSIL. Your settings for node 1 should look something like this:

Node number: 1
<A> Path to Data files  : <Default Directory>
<B> Path to Drop file   : c:\sbbs\node1\
<C> BBS Drop file type  : DOOR
<D> Hardware Handshaking: Yes
<E> Active Node         : Yes
<F> Fossil port 1 to 254: 1
<I> I/O Type            : Fossil
Node editor: (?) (<>) (X=Exit) [X] :

The unregistered version only supports one node, so that's all you need to configure for now.  If you decide to purchase the registered version, you must manually configure the rest of the nodes, using the same process. Be sure to specify the correct Path to Drop File for each node (ie, c:\sbbs\node2\ for node 2, c:\sbbs\node3\ for node 3, etc).


Now, you must add Trade Wars to your board's games menu. In SCFG, go to External Programs -> Online Programs -> Games -> Available Online Programs and hit the insert key. Configure Trade Wars as follows:

 ¦Name                       Trade Wars 2002          
 ¦Internal Code              TW2002                      
 ¦Start-up Directory         C:\TW2002  <-- example only! 
 ¦Command Line               tw2002 twnode=%#
 ¦Clean-up Command Line                                   
 ¦Execution Cost             None                         
 ¦Access Requirements                                     
 ¦Execution Requirements                                  
 ¦Multiple Concurrent Users  Yes                          
 ¦Intercept I/O Interrupts   No                           
 ¦Swap BBS out of Memory     Yes                           
 ¦Modify User Data           No                           
 ¦Execute on Event           No                           
 ¦BBS Drop File Type         GAP             DOOR.SYS     
 ¦Place Drop File In         Node Directory               
 ¦Time Options...

Be sure to set the "start-up directory" to whatever directory you put your Trade Wars 2002 files in.

After these steps have been completed, be sure to refresh the board's node data so that the config changes take effect immediately.


Trade Wars 2002 registration & add-ons:
Trade Wars 2002 is sold by Epic Interactive Strategy. A basic Trade Wars 2002 registration (unlimited user license) costs $25. Or, you can purchase the Trade Wars Gold edition for $45 total instead; this provides a basic registration and also allows sysops to add/edit ship types, planet types, aliens, etc. 

Trade Wars 2002 may be registered on-line by e-mailing an order form to jpritch@eisonline.com and then transferring the appropriate payment to jpritch@eisonline.com via PayPal.com

For additional information on Trade Wars 2002, please consult the official Trade Wars 2002 web site.




Questions? E-mail the webmaster.

Note: Worldgroup Doorgame Central did not create the software described on this site.
Worldgroup Doorgame Central does not sell any of this software.
This site exists solely to help Worldgroup sysops install doorgames.

Legend of the Red Dragon and Legend of the Red Dragon II are © Metropolis, Inc.
Trade Wars 2002 is © Epic Interactive Strategy
Synchronet is © Rob Swindell
Usurper is © JAS Software
DoorMUD is © Evan Elias